Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Stay at home mommy

After I got pregnant last year, I had every intention to return to work as a receptionist at a car dealership.  Well, once my husband and I decided to build a house, that thought changed.  I was getting a fairly decent pay, but the hours just would not be worth the drive from my new area.  So when I got a call from the H.R., we talked and after some discussion, I decided it was the bet thing for all that I don't return.  As I explained to him, it just wouldn't be fair to those at the dealership, that I come back and then quite two weeks later.  It was great to know, that (at the time I was breastfeeding and would need to pump while at work every 3hrs for at least 30minutes) they were willing to accommodate my pumping schedule.  I love staying home with my girl, but it is great from time to time, to get adult time.  It's important to still have time, that is just for me.  I've signed up for a 5k later this month and looking forward to that.  Now, I have a running stroller to go running with my baby when it warms up for her to spend time outside.  The 5k that I have signed up is the Color run and she is just to young to participate with me in.  I am trying to get started in dog grooming again, in my home.  This way, I continue to be home with my baby, while bringing in some sort of income.  I've also started couponing to help save us money.  I'm not one of those crazy extreme couponers you see on that television show.  I don't buy a bunch of products clearing the shelves and don't get things we don't need or use.  I only coupon for things we use and things we need.  A few weeks ago, CVS had a deal Buy 1, get 2 free on select detergents!  Of course, they were out with such a good deal!  I got rain check for it though!  Then out came a coupon for $2 off!  Finally last week, I saw that one location had 6 bottles...just want my raincheck was for on ALL detergent!  So I got 6 bottles of ALL detergent 33 loads for $5 or $0.83 a bottle!  WOOHOO!  I've figured with my reciepts, I'm at least 50-60% savings when I shop.  I'm hoping as I get more into couponing, that I can be at 80-90% savings!  With a 3 month old baby and one income, we can use the savings on things we use!  We have a good stockpile of shampoos, deodorants, body wash, soaps (hand and in bar form), razors for him, diapers, baby wipes and detergent!  Well, baby is needing a diaper change and it's time to feed. Love my little girl!

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